One of Spring Boot’s main goals is to make development easier. In my previous article, I demoed how to layer enterprise libraries on top of the spring boot stack. This time I wanted to show the benefits of creating libraries using this method by developing our own in-house enterprise starter....
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Spring changed the way alot of programmers thought about dependency
injection. Spring Boot’s aim was to tighten the dependency chain with Spring,
and provide autoconfiguration that allows programmers to start developing applications with minimum fuss.
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Spring Cloud Config Server is a wonderful tool when
developing Spring Boot apps. It can externalize all of your application configuration into one location, and even
provide a layer of security with its secret store. However, not all of this is a good thing.
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Although simple, this is a very powerful and core concept in developing SaaS. Before I jump right in, I wanted to define
what a codebase is.
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